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Mission-Driven: Our raison d'être is to inspire and inform, making us a trusted source for our readers.
Quality Content: Our experienced team ensures every story is meticulously researched and compellingly told.
Agile and Responsive: We pride ourselves on being nimble and adaptive, able to swiftly cover emerging topics with critical analysis.
Diverse Perspectives: We shine a light on minority representation and social justice issues, from antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiment to the challenges faced by refugees and marginalised communities.
Diverse Formats: A rich blend of photos, books, sounds, podcasts, and articles, ensuring our content is accessible and engaging.
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About The Battleground
The Battleground is a non-profit news startup to counter false narratives and propaganda that are eroding trust in politics and the media. We focus on Europe and its influences on, and from, the wider world.
Whether it is migration, climate change, populism or globalisation, we look behind the news headlines and provide perspective – to give clarity and meaning where there is confusion and conflict.
Ultimately, it is about defending democracy.
Our Mission
Fight false narratives
Defend democracy
Combat racism
Expose extremism
Promote diversity
Champion ethical journalism
Our editorial agenda is consistent with the European Federation of Journalists' ethical priorities.
In an era of tabloid 'churnalism', where news is a 24/7 product designed to create clickthroughs, The Battleground's publications are meant to promote ethical standards in journalism, providing socially responsible and educational content to defend European democracy.
We align with the European Federation of Journalists' MediaAgainstHate campaign, by providing the most consistent, in-depth articles on European diversity politics, in English.